Brook Ridge Farm V 3.1


brookridge-farm-piggy-edition (1) brookridge-farm-piggy-edition (2) brookridge-farm-piggy-edition (3) brookridge-farm-piggy-edition (4) brookridge-farm-piggy-edition

The map is Update 2.1 compatible

– potato and sugar beet conveyors are fixed
– stereo sounds changed to mono
– economical changes (the game is more challenging)
– some minor graphical changes.

******************** changelog 3.01 ********************

NOTE: The 3.01 version is only the missing defaultVehicles.xml file. Simple copy the file into the folder and overwrite the original file.

******************** info ********************

More than a year since Brookridge Farm 1.0 has been published. Now i proudly present the new Piggy Edition (3.0).

The map is completely revised. New textures, buildings and decorations has been added.

You will find a lots of new and interesting things. First of all, Brookridge has a new husbandry: pigs. You can buyand store several goods, e.g. seeds, fertilizer, lime, fuel and much more.

Brookridge is completely an imaginary and idealised place, located in Nebraska between York and Lincoln. The map is completely flat, it designed for single-player use. Wide roads, large spaces, easy to use the helpers.

All locations, names and brands appearing in the map are fictitious. Any resemblance to real locations, names or brands, is purely coincidental.

Fruits: standard (wheat, barley, canola, maize, potato, sugar beets, etc.)

Husbandry: standard (cow, sheep, chicken) + pigs

Shops: are open during daytime, from 7am to 7pm.

Fields: You can buy them in the land office (named ECO International), on the south end of the map, next to the Heinz Cannery.

******************** mods ********************

The following mods were installed:

AllInOneSilo; BarrierExtended; customInfoTrigger; DarkerNight; GasStationExtended; GuelleMistMod; MapHoseRefStation; MapSiloBand; MischStation; OilPump; Rolltor; RolltorExtended; SchweineZucht; WaterMod; WoolPaletteCollector; zugschranke;

You will need the following mods to work the map properly: GuelleMistMod by TMT (Marhu); MapHoseRefStation by fruktor (if you are using the Zunhammer pack); PDA Fix by Marhu;

******************** cheers ********************

I hope, you will enjoy to play with Brookridge Farm.

If you find any problem with the map, do not hesitate to inform me. Positive critics are welcomed.



Giants; Marhu; Blacky_BPG; Sven777b; NI Modding; [FSM]; [Bayn]; Daniel; martinbigM500; Timber131; mailman; Bernelli; Eribus; JauchenPaule; Nick98.1; Javier007; FSmodding; and many others whom I can not list;

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