BBS900 L1 v 1.1 [MP]


BBS900 L1

BBS900 L1

BBS900 L1

BBS900 Multi Fruit L1 Green, can be loaded with about 55 types of fruit flat version !

The dump truck is with wheat, canola , corn , barley, chopped , potatoes , carrots , sugar beets, apples , apricots, grass , straw , manure , animal feed , cucumbers , plums , cotton, coffee , cherries , onions, rice, soybean, sunflower , tomatoes , poppy seeds , spelled, mushrooms , triticale , rye , oats, millet , pear , honeydew melon , red cabbage, white cabbage, Savoy cabbage , silage, gravel , crushed stone, fertilizer , hemp, sand, lime , soil, grapes , eggplant , sugar cane and pumpkin loadable .

The dump truck is equipped with a tarpaulin roof and can not be loaded with closed Plane !

In addition, the trailer was equipped with a ball -shaped coupling, chrome wheels , wide tires and tire pressure air conditioning !

Capacity: 40000 l / kg




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