Mods Management:
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Space-aktivuojasi Ic Management
Mods errors:
I did not notice
Mods include:
Plowing modes,
Beautiful Texture,
Act in light,
Dusty from under the wheels
Ic management
Operation of the direction,
Dynamic animations of smoke.
Mods assessment (several fillers)
Cool JD traktorius.10/10
Additional information:
Price: $ 76,000
Power: 110HP
Model: Bigfarmer145/Timber131/Bjr Edit: Kondziu25
In game: Timber131,Trabby76, Roller, Kondziu25
Scripts: Burner/Manuel Leithner/fruktor/Geri-G/Sven777b/Templaer/Bjr[wpfilebase tag=file id=1295 /]