This is a [MP] food storage for all types of feedstuffs such as:
Grass and hay, straw, silage, compound feed, and shredded wood chips
Rocking all materials centrally on the tipping grid.
Of course I have not reinvented the wheel, can separate only look different.
My thanks go to this LS-Andy, UnnamedUser, Marhu and s4t4n its version 2.1 was used as a template.
The zip file are of two different i3d’s. Firstly, the version 1, is equipped with textures of size 4096×4096. Version 1.1 has textures with 2048×2048 size.
It has been shown in the tests the FPS on some computers burglaries occur when the “better” textures were used. So you can look yourself what (your server) running better with you.
Model und Textur:
v2.1 von s4t4n
Korrektur und kleine Umbauten:
Script Hilfe:
UnnamedUser auf Modhoster